A young, married couple with no skills, and having trouble making ends meet on overcrowded Earth, take up an offer to travel to Mars and work there, Louis Bellandia in the mines and Jo Anne as a cleaning woman and kitchen helper. Two months out from Earth, on their six-month journey to the Red Planet, a meteorite shower shreds the space mirror that warms the north pole ice cap that supplies the mining colony with most of its water, now no longer possible. Arriving on Mars, Luis and Jo Anne find the dome's park plants and victory gardens dead from the now strictly rationed water, the colony's only source of the precious liquid supplied by a few aquifers, and ice shipped from both poles to keep the colony going.
Jo Anne, a plant lover and avid gardener, finds that she cannot tolerate the desolation after living several months on the dead planet, and becomes severely depressed. She decides to return home on the next available ship, thus voiding her contract and forfeiting the promised $200,000 when she completes her three-year contract. Wanting to stay, Luis becomes angry, the couple become estranged, and no longer communicate with each other. However, several days before Jo Anne is scheduled to leave, an anomaly occurs on the Red Planet that forever changes the future of Luis and Jo Anne, Mars and all of mankind.
how to order.
Cost per book, for the 161 page novella, is $12.00, which includes shipping and handling, or, if you don't trust Gary, you can purchase a copy from Amazon books for $8.99 plus $5.99 shipping, for a total cost of $14.98, or pick up, or order, a copy or two from your local bookstore. If interested in buying an autographed copy please send a check for $12.00 to Gary Carter, 41863 Old Mill Road Port Orford, Oregon, 97465, and the book will be shipped the day after receiving the check. Make the check out to Gary Carter. For more information, and any questions, you can email Gary at gcarter123@frontier.com - Thank you!
"A real page turner!" Gina - reviewed 9-12-2021
"I found this book very refreshing compared with other science fiction books! Gets you into the story line right off, and keeps you intrigued more than enough to take in the colonization of Mars, which is not all that far fetched. Easy reading with all the technology in layman's terms! Just absolutely exciting reading. A big thumbs up here!" Barby Poole - reviewed 9-28-2021
Got it and enjoyed the book! Matt Hall - Editor and owner Port Orford News - reviewed 10-10-2021
Very imaginative. I can only assume Gary Carter did his research and this could well be feasible n the future, but I'm a complete novice. I haven't read Sci-Fi in years and I don't remember such emotional involvement with the characters. These are credible, 3-dementional people. I found Mars Calling to be an enjoyable read with an invitation for lots to think about. Ginney Etherton - reviewed 10-15-201
We both finished and enjoyed your newest book. Nice story. Good job! We are passing it on to rest of family so they can also enjoy the story. Jamie and Diane Davis - reviewed 10-27-2021
I enjoyed the exploration of the conflicts between the main characters as well as their love and caring for each other. The new frontier (Mars?) tells some of the same human stories as the old frontier. I believe that is where our real work lies. Cher - reviewed 11-06-2021
Mars Calling is a fun, engaging read. It was easy to get involved with the characters, Jo Anne and Luis, and to relate to their plight of wanting to get ahead by traveling to Mars. Gary Carter's writing style is effortless to read . . .and the story makes you wonder what is possible in the future. Jon Reelhorn - reviewed 11-16-2021
What a delightful read! Hope you are planning a sequel. Vicki - reviewed 11-22-21